Notes (Generic) Block

Displays a specific note type on a form. Unlike simple text fields, notes created by this block appear in the case notes list on a case.

Note Types are defined in Admin > Lookup > Note Types, allowing sites to easily add specific types of notes. The note types used by this block must have the Singular field set to "Yes", meaning there is only one note of this type per case/matter.

For reports, these notes are under the Case Data > Notes Data (One Column per Type) subtable.

If you've spotted a block called "Notes (Matter)", it is the same block as this one. No extra, special, different, or magical powers.

Configuration Options

  • Note Type - dropdown list of singular note types.
  • Size of notes field - the default size when displayed (user can temporarily increase the size by dragging the lower right corner of the text box).
  • Custom Label - alternate text instead of the Note Type name. NB: This option is not working (Ref: 82182).
  • Default Value - a text box to enter some text that will be displayed the first time this block appears for a matter. Thereafter, whatever text was entered on the last save will be displayed.
  • Show Expand Button - displays a button below the note area that opens it in a popup window.
  • Show Save Button - displays a Save Note button that allows the note text to be saved without saving the form it is on. This button cannot be used on the first step of a prescreen or intake process.
  • Require Note - does what you think it would. Note that having default text in the Default Value box means there is a note, and satisfies the requirement for some text. To force the user to enter something, remove any Default Value text.
  • Read Only - does what you think it would. Useful, for example, on an online intake's "Review Your Information" page. (Added 2022-01-28)
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